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We’re a young and talented group of entrepreneurs and engineers with a groundbreaking idea that we hope will contribute towards a better tomorrow. We provide smart solutions for companies of all sizes and pride ourselves on our unparalleled, dedicated service.

At Neutron Star Systems, we believe that the right understanding and technological edge can lead companies towards a successful future. We always seek valuable feedback from our clients in order to learn and evolve. Contact us today to set up a meeting with one of our sales representatives or request a demo.

About: About Us
Spacecraft in Orbit
Image by Luca Rüegg
Science Museum Space Exploration


Our mission is to enable the next generation of spaceflight capabilities and inspire humanity for generations to come.


Our vision is to go beyond and realise the full potential of human space exploration to drive a new era of sustainable development for humankind.


At Neutron Star Systems, we believe no man is an island. We stand for leadership, collaboration, freedom and bold ideas. Inclusivity, passion and trust are core to our team, and we strive to uphold these values in everything we do.


About Neutron Star Systems
NMWP Innovation2GO „SUPREME – die nächste Generation Plasma Antriebe für Raumfahrt Missionen!“

NMWP Innovation2GO „SUPREME – die nächste Generation Plasma Antriebe für Raumfahrt Missionen!“

Elektrische Antriebe (Electric Propulsion, EP) für Raumfahrzeuge reduzieren den Treibstoffbedarf für Orbitalmanöver erheblich. Die derzeitigen EP-Systeme basieren jedoch auf alten Technologien, haben eine begrenzte Betriebsreichweite und sind auf Treibstoffe angewiesen, die selten und teuer sind. Durch den Einsatz von Supraleitern können diese Probleme überwunden werden und Antriebssysteme mit einer weitaus größeren Skalierbarkeit und betrieblichen Flexibilität ermöglicht werden, die mit billigeren, alternativen Treibstoffen arbeiten. Im NMWP Innovation2GO Online Seminar „SUPREME – die nächste Generation Plasma Antriebe für Raumfahrt Missionen!“ stellen die Mitbegründer der NeutronStar Systems UG Manuel La Rosa Betancourt (CEO) und Marcus Collier-Wright (CTO) ihre supraleiterbasierte EP-Technologie SUPREME vor und erklären, wie diese die nächste Generation von Hochleistungs-Weltraummissionen wie Satellitenwartung, Frachttransporte und interplanetare Erkundung ermöglichen wird. NeutronStar Systems UG (NSS) ist ein Weltraumtechnologie-Startup mit Sitz in Köln. In Partnerschaft mit dem Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme der Universität Stuttgart konzentriert sich die NSS auf die Einführung und Kommerzialisierung von supraleiterbasierten Subsystemen für Raumfahrtanwendungen. Der Hauptfokus des Unternehmens liegt auf elektrischen Antriebssystemen und Abschirmsystemen für den Wiedereintritt von Raumfahrzeugen. Die Präsentation in diesem Webinar wird auf Englisch gehalten, die Diskussionsrunde sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Deutsch.
SUPREME: Advanced Electric Propulsion for Lunar Logistics - 2020 Lunar Development Conference

SUPREME: Advanced Electric Propulsion for Lunar Logistics - 2020 Lunar Development Conference

Speaker: Marcus Collier-Wright, NeutronStar Systems UG The past decade has seen a significant increase in activities related to the lunar space economy, including plans for colonisation, mining, rovers, and power generation on the moon. Yet an area which has been comparatively neglected is the question of logistics and transportation needed to support these activities. For small-scale experimental and initial efforts, current propulsion capabilities are sufficient. However, as the lunar space industry is scaled up and all of these endeavours are put into motion, a new approach will be needed. Engineers wishing to transport something to the moon have two main options: A direct Trans-Lunar injection launch, or an orbital transfer from Low Earth orbit to one of several lunar orbits. The former provides significant advantages in regard to transfer time and simplicity, but is limited by the maximum payload of a launch vehicle. Currently, the Delta IV Heavy rocket provides the highest capacity to Trans-Lunar Injection with a payload of 11,290kg. Any payloads heavier than this, such as cargo payloads, must first be launched into Earth orbit and then transported to the moon by means of in-space propulsion. At such masses, the inefficiency of chemical propulsion systems imposes a severe propellant requirement on such transfers to the point where they become economically unfeasible. On the other hand, Electric Propulsion (EP) systems can fulfil such needs far more efficiently with only a fraction of the propellant. The trade-off is that the transfer time is increased due to the low thrust of EP systems. The only solution offering both low fuel consumption and fast transfer is the use of high power electric propulsion. However, existing technologies cannot be scaled up for these applications. The combination of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS) with Applied-Field Magnetoplasmadynamic (AF-MPD) Thrusters, SUPREME technology, offers a solution to this problem. This presentation will cover AF-MPD technology and summarise recent advancements in the HTS industry. The combination of the two as SUPREME technology will be introduced, and its effect on Lunar logistics and transportation will be discussed. The impact of the technology on such missions will be evaluated from an economical and technical perspective. Speaker Bio: Marcus Collier-Wright Co-Founder & CTO at NeutronStar Systems UG Marcus is an aerospace engineer with a specialisation in spacecraft electric propulsion systems. A dual-national with both British and Slovak citizenship, he completed Master’s degree in Spacecraft Engineering from the University of Southampton in July 2018. His masters project concerned the development, manufacture and testing of a neutraliser for a Microwave ECR Gridded Ion Thruster, the first successful testing of such a neutraliser outside of Japan. This project received the highest grade of any Masters project in the engineering faculty at Southampton and was shortlisted for the university’s design excellence award. Marcus moved to Germany in 2018 to work on spacecraft propulsion systems at Ariane Group at the Orbital Propulsion Centre in Lampoldshausen. In 2019, Marcus joined the SUPREME project, contributing to the preparation of a Horizon 2020 proposal to develop an Applied-Field Magnetoplasmadynamic thruster incorporating superconductors. Following the proposal submission, Marcus co-founded the new start-up Neutron Star Systems, aiming to commercialise superconductor technology for space applications, where he acts as the CTO. From the 2020 Lunar Development Conference, held on July 19-20, 2020 as a virtual event by The Moon Society. For more details, visit #LunarDevCon #MoonSociety #Moon
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